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Monday, August 24, 2020
The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay Free Essays
string(78) dipstick preliminary gives a subjective judgment of urinary protein elimination. Proteins are a significant constituent of all our natural structure parts, including musculuss, castanetss, hair, and nails. Proteins that circle in our circulation system other than complete a figure of import maps. They help to keep our natural structure maps, for example, shielding from contamination, blood turning sour and keeping up the correct aggregate of liquid go arounding around our natural structures, so it is crucial to keep the correct degrees of proteins in our natural structures due to that albuminuria ought to go an ailment which we should pay a lot of joining in. We will compose a custom paper test on The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now The pervasiveness of stray albuminuria ( symptomless albuminuria ) distinguished by ordinary uranalysis of children who matured 7-15 mature ages were demonstrated to be around 10 % despite the fact that this abatements to 0.1 per centum at continued testing ( 1 ) . An overview numbering mass appearing of school-matured children in Asia uncovered comparative discoveries. The occurrence increments with age, extremums during youthfulness, and is higher in misss. The of import thing is qualification the child who has proteinuria related to nephritic maladies, if non sound child with transient or favorable status of albuminuria. Research shows that type and the level of albuminuria is a decent record of the evaluation of kidney hurt and a previous admonition of creating dynamic kidney ailment. I want to talk about the pathophysiology, etiology, measurings, imprint and indications, bearing and new clinical tests sing albuminuria. What is albuminuria ( in kids ) ? Albuminurias implies nearness of proteins in over the top whole, rising above their typical degree in piss. The undermentioned diagram shows ordinary extent of protein end fitting to the age leaning toward their natural structure size. Kids have to some degree higher normal pace of protein end than adults. Age gathering Whole protein ( mg per 24 hours ) Whole protein ( mg per M2 per 24 hours ) 95 for every centum affirmation limits ( mg per M2 per 24 hours ) 5 to 30 twenty-four hours ( untimely ) 29 182 88 to 377 7 to 30 yearss ( full term ) 32 145 68 to 309 2 to a year ( child ) 38 109 48 to 244 2 to 4 mature ages ( kid ) 49 91 37 to 223 4 to 10 mature ages 71 85 31 to 234 10 to 16 mature ages 83 63 22 to 181 Physiologically most solid children discharge little totals of protein in their piss. Infants shows most elevated entirety of protein disposal, when remedied for natural structure surface nation. At that point it diminishes with the age until late pre-adulthood. Urinary proteins comprise of huge numbers of import proteins, for example, egg whites, other plasma proteins, proteins emerging in the kidney and urinary land parcel, and mainly Tamm-Horsfall protein ( uromodulin ) . The typical notice extent of youth albuminuria is 100mg/m3/day. Component of albuminuria in kids In the kidney, liquid that takes after plasma is filtrated from the glomerular vessels into the nephritic tubules which called as glomerular filtration. This glomerular obstruction comprises of three beds. They are, Slim endothelium The basement layer Specific epithelial tissue of the container which is comprised of Podocytes. In the sound people, unimportant protein entirety is filtrated as a result of both size selectivity and the charge. Filtration boundary contains adversely charged proteins named sialoproteins and proteoglycans, for example, heparan sulfate. So this hindrance can drive the adversely charged proteins. Fixed collagen net inside basement layer, podocytes with their interdigitating forms fill in as fruitful size obstruction. Low atomic weight proteins can be filtrated by the glomerulus and consumed by proximal nephritic tubules. Some of them are microglobulin, ? microglobulin, nutrient A1 following protein like insulin ( 3, 4 ) . The majority of the protein in pee originates from caducous cannular cells ( 5 ) . We can order albuminurias fitting to component of albuminuria under three headers. They are glomerular albuminurias, cannular albuminuria, secretory albuminuria. Glomerular albuminuria Glomerular albuminuria is brought about by expanding penetrability of fine endothelium. This may run from A ; lt ; 1g to A ; gt ; 30g/24hr ( 1 ) . This can be classified into particular and nonselective glomerular albuminuria. In specific glomerular albuminurias low sub-atomic weight plasma proteins can be misfortune, along with egg whites. In non particular glomerular albuminuria, proteins with huge sub-atomic weight, for example, IgG can be misfortune. Mesangial proliferative glomerulonephritis, amylodosis, segmental glomeruloclerosis, membranous kidney illness are a portion of the irritated characters of glomerular albuminuria. Intense and interminable glomerulonephritis can be because of harm glomerular basement film, expanding the porousness for plasma proteins. In characteristic or least nephrotic disorder, lessening anionic charge of glomerular basement layer can do to loss of egg whites. In ongoing days gone by, patients who have proteinuria with diminished nephritic mass other than can be found in an incredible exchange of eye catching. Tests sing this uncover staying uriniferous tubules are influencing in hyperfiltration taking to dynamic glomeruloclerosis ( 7 ) . Glomerular albuminuria ought to be suspected by first forenoon pee protein/creatinine proportion A ; gt ; 1.0 or albuminurias with any degree, along with hydrops, hypertension, nephritic disfunction and haematuria. Cylindrical albuminuria In sound individuals extraordinary entirety of proteins which has low atomic load than albumens, for example, ?2 microglobulin, Ig obvious radiation ironss, retinal restricting protein and amino acids are filtrated and later reabsorbed by the proximal tubules ( 8 ) . In tubulointerstitial sicknesses, these separated protein are lost in the piss because of a deformity in cannular epithelial. Cylindrical albuminuria can be acquired or procured upset might be with glycosuria, aminoaciduria and phosphaturia. The moderately high protein disposal can be seen in babies speaks to cannular albuminurias attributable to immatureness of their nephritic guide. Glomerular albuminuria and cannular albuminurias can be recognized by cataphoresis of the protein test. Dislike the glomerular albuminuria in cannular albuminurias tiny whole of egg whites can be identified. Secretory albuminuria Secretory albuminuria is attributable to oversecretion of tissue proteins in the tubules, especially oversecretion of Tamm-Horsfall protein from the epithelial cell of the cringle in Henle. Tamm-Horsfall protein has been appeared to spill into the inerstium inexperimental reflux kidney infection, obstructing uropathy and some tubulointerstitial upsets ( 8 ) . Estimations of albuminuria The dipstick preliminary The pee dipstick preliminary gives a subjective judgment of urinary protein end. You read The Proteinuria In Childhood Health And Social Care Essay in classification Exposition models The tetrabromophenol pale blue colorimetric technique is utilized by the pee dipstick preliminary, which is all around utilized as testing strategy. The quality of shading material modifications from yellow to blue correlatives with the aggregate of protein in the piss. Albuminuria is essentially distinguished by this preliminary and less touchy to different signifiers of proteins exceptionally which has low atomic weight. This preliminary is delicate to egg whites focus each piece low as 15mg/dL. In any case, it is non sufficiently touchy for mensurating egg whites in the extent of microalbuminuria. The dipstick is accounted for as negative, indication ( 10-20 milligram for every deciliter ) , 1+ ( 30 milligram for every deciliter ) , 2+ ( 100 milligram for each deciliter ) , 3+ ( 300 milligram for eac h deciliter ) , and 4+ ( 1,000 milligram for every deciliter or more prominent ) ( 6 ) . However, with the weaken piss ( explicit attraction A ; lt ; 1.002 ) and acidic piss which has low pH esteem than 4.5 and in an ailment status which the significant pee protein is non egg whites can give bogus negative outcomes. Bogus positive outcomes can be given with alkalic piss ( pH A ; gt ; 8 ) , concentrated piss ( explicit attractive energy A ; gt ; 1.030 ) , net haematuria, bacteriuria, spoil with germ-free operators. A dipstick should be viewed as positive for protein on the off chance that it enlists A ; gt ; 1+ ( 30 mg/dL ) in pee test in which the specific attraction is A ; lt ; 1.015. In the event that the particular attraction is A ; gt ; 1.015, the dipstick must peruse amp ; gt ; 2+ to be considered clinically significant. Sulfosalicylic corrosive preliminary To substantiate the positive outcomes of the dipstick preliminary another preliminary must be finished by using sulfosalicylic corrosive. Since this preliminary can watch all classes of proteins. In the preliminary three dabs of sulfosalicylic corrosive are added to 5 milliliter of piss. So this causes to change over the arrangement into acidic taking to the precipitation of proteins. In any case, this other than can give bogus negative results due to diluite pee. Bogus positive results can take topographic point inferable from occurring of radiographic difference stuffs ( 9 ) . Spot pee protein/creatinine ( UPr/Cr ) preliminary Youngsters with positive ramifications for dipstick preliminary with persevering albuminuria should go through the more exact topographic point pee protein/creatinine ( UPr/Cr ) preliminary which gives quantitative estimating of proteins in the piss. The ordinary proportion for arbitrary pee protein/creatinine proportion in more youthful children than 2 mature ages is A ; lt ; 0.5, in kids 2 twelvemonth old enough or more established is A ; lt ; 0.2. A proportion A ; gt ; 3 uncovers the nephrotic extent of albuminuria. On the off chance that a child is given ( UPr/Cr ) 2 A ; gt ; proportion A ; gt ; 0.2, it is required to get a 24 hour pee conglomeration. It has discovered that in kids with horrendous ailing health, serum and pee creatinine degrees rely upon musculus mass, in view of that the proportion is non substantial. Anyway gaining arbitrary protein/crea
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Great Gatsby is a tragic hero Essay
F. Scott Fitzgerald’s The Great Gatsby is an exemplary American disaster. The tale has all the essential components important to group a story as a disaster: an unfortunate saint, his character blemish, and a touch of destiny which results in the hero’s extreme pulverization. Jay Gatsby is the destined appalling saint, blinded by his nonsensical dream to remember the past. Destiny meddles as the surprising murder of one character’s fancy woman by his significant other. Every one of these features of the story meet up to cause the finish of Gatsby. All together for a character to be characterized as a grievous saint, he should be honorable in character. Jay Gatsby exhibits this in his dedication to Daisy Buchanan, whom he has been planning for a re-experience with for as far back as 5 years. At the point when he at long last winds up in her essence once more, â€Å"†¦there were twinkle-chimes of daylight in the room, he grinned like a meteorologist, similar to a blissful supporter of intermittent light†¦Ã¢â‚¬ He chats with Daisy, and significantly following 5 entire long stretches of building her up in his psyche, he is still especially enamored with her. â€Å"†¦[After talking with her,] there was a change in Gatsby that was basically frustrating. He actually gleamed; without a word or a signal of celebration another prosperity emanated from him and filled the room.†He cherishes her, all that he does is for her, and there is no trademark more respectable than genuine romance and dedication. The very meaning of an awful legend is an honorable individual with an unfortunate imperfection which assists with achieving his destruction, and which may make the saint settle on poor choices. Mr. Gatsby’s character defect is his suffering fantasy about discovering Daisy, the lady he met and went gaga for before he was sent to battle in World War I, and rejoining with her. At the point when they met, he was a poor no one and she was an individual from the old-cash tip top, a match that the two of them knew couldn't in any way, shape or form work. In this way, despite the fact that he realized she was hitched, when Jay returned from the war, he committed his life to reevaluating himself to make himself adequate for her. â€Å"Out of the edge of his eye Gatsby saw that the squares of the walkways truly shaped a stepping stool and mounted to a mystery place over the trees †he could move to it, in the event that he climbed alone, and once there he could suck on the pap of life, swallow down the unique milk of wonder.†Basically, his unadulterated, genuine affection for Daisy was strengthened with fixation and encased in assurance and enveloped by everything heâ could find to make it genuine once more. His affection for Daisy exceeded any sort of reality to where he could no longer recognize truth from fiction. â€Å"It had gone past her, past everything. He had devoted himself completely to it with an imaginative enthusiasm, adding to it constantly, decking it out with each splendid plume that floated his direction. No measure of fire or newness can challenge what a man will put away in his spooky heart.†Destiny, with the disastrous blemish, assumes the chief job in the fixing of the hero. In The Great Gatsby, the turn of destiny is when Daisy, driving Gatsby’s vehicle with him in the front seat, hits and in a flash slaughters Myrtle Wilson, and in a frenzy escapes the scene, too shaken to even think about stopping the vehicle. Myrtle Wilson happens to be the lady who Daisy’s spouse tom has been going behind her back with, and Myrtle’s husband George Wilson observes the mishap. He sees his better half murdered by somebody driving Gatsby’s vehicle. He discover that the vehicle has a place with Gatsby, who he has never met, and accept that it was he who had so fiercely and carelessly slaughtered his better half. George, in a condition of anguish stricken craziness, kills Jay Gatsby in his own lawn the following day. It didn’t happen a second too early, either. The nature of Gatsby’s life had been weakening at an exponential rate, amusingly, since his fantasy had worked out as expected. Getting associated with Daisy now was upsetting his life †he had learned firsthand of the inadequacies of the lady he cherished, had seen her shortcomings. It was destroying him inside that he had gone through a large portion of 10 years on something that would be for the most part impeding to him at long last. â€Å"†¦perhaps he did not mind anymore. In the event that that was genuine he probably felt that he had lost the old warm world, addressed a significant expense for a really long time with a solitary dream.†The storyteller guesses of Gatsby that, not long before his passing, â€Å"He more likely than not gazed toward a new sky through startling leaves and shuddered as he found what an abnormal thing a rose is and how crude the daylight was upon the barely made grass.†Gatsby’s aims were unadulterated, unobtrusive, honest, certified, however the energy of his interest conveyed him into inconvenience when he had to quit dreaming since his fantasy had become reality, a thing to which Gatsby had gotten not used to in the wake of envisioning for such a long time. When his fantasy tumbled into aâ brick divider and things were sent turning in confusion, there was not, at this point a spot for Jay Gatsby. He had come to have a place just with his fantasy, and was devoured by it. â€Å"†¦Gatsby turned out good toward the end; it is the thing that went after Gatsby, what foul residue drifted in the wake he had always wanted that briefly finished off my enthusiasm for the failed distresses and short-winded delights of men.â€
Saturday, July 25, 2020
Rumination Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment
Rumination Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment Eating Disorders Diagnosis Print Rumination Disorder Diagnosis and Treatment By Susan Cowden, MS facebook linkedin Susan Cowden is a licensed marriage and family therapist and a member of the Academy for Eating Disorders. Learn about our editorial policy Susan Cowden, MS Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 06, 2020 Rachel Goldman, PhD FTOS is a licensed psychologist, clinical assistant professor, speaker, wellness expert specializing in weight management and eating behaviors. Learn about our Medical Review Board Rachel Goldman, PhD, FTOS on February 06, 2020 More in Eating Disorders Diagnosis Symptoms Treatment Awareness and Prevention Rumination disorder involves bringing previously chewed or previously swallowed food back up to the mouth, to either spit out or re-swallow. Its also sometimes called regurgitation disorder. In babies, rumination disorder usually ends without any medical intervention. But the condition also can last into later years. Most people who are treated for rumination disorder are children and adults with intellectual disabilities and/or developmental delays. For these people, regurgitation and rumination seem to be soothing. Rumination disorder differs from self-induced vomiting more commonly found in anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa because in rumination disorder the regurgitation is usually automatic and not usually intended to influence shape or weight. It is important to remember that because these rumination behaviors are often done in secret and there is a fear of how others will react to it, it is assumed that many people who are struggling with this disorder do not seek treatment. Unfortunately, the true prevalence of rumination disorder is unknown. Diagnosing Rumination Disorder In order to meet the criteria for a diagnosis of rumination disorder, someone must meet all of the criteria for the condition outlined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V), the guide that mental health professionals use to diagnose mental conditions. These criteria include: Repeated regurgitation of food for at least one month. This food may be re-chewed, re-swallowed, or spit-out. The regurgitation occurs without any sort of nausea or retching.There is no medical condition causing the person to regurgitate their food (for example, someone with bad heartburn might regurgitate food unintentionally).This problem does not occur exclusively when the person is suffering from another feeding or eating disorder such as anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, binge-eating disorder, or avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder.If the symptoms are occurring alongside another mental disorder, the symptoms are severe enough to warrant attention by themselves. Rumination disorder is relatively rare among adults receiving treatment for eating disorders. One recent study assessed 149 consecutive females entering residential treatment for an eating disorder and found that 4 patients met criteria for rumination disorder, but were ineligible for a formal diagnosis because they met criteria for one of the other eating disorders. Complications of Rumination Disorder People who have rumination disorder can suffer from malnutrition, and that can lead to a host of other medical complications. Malnutrition may occur because rather than eating more food, the person is continuously eating and re-chewing the same food over and over again. Older children and adults may also restrict what they are eating in order to avoid negative social reactions to their rumination. Less extreme complications of rumination disorder are bad breath, tooth decay, and ulcers on the esophagus. Treatment Unfortunately, there is very little research on the treatment of rumination disorder. However, the treatment of these symptoms must be individualized to each person, based on whether or not there is another co-occurring disorder such as anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa, or if the person is intellectually delayed. If the person with rumination disorder also is suffering from another eating disorder, then treatment goals will focus on that problem, with the goal of reducing all symptoms related to the eating disorder. For a young child or someone who has an intellectual disability or delay, treatment will likely include some type of behavioral therapy and may include goals such as changing the way(s) the person is able to soothe themselves. Behavioral strategies such as diaphragmatic breathing training, which teaches individuals to breathe using their diaphragm muscles are often effective because diaphragmatic breathing is incompatible with regurgitation. Self-monitoring of the behavior can also be beneficial by drawing greater awareness of the behavior.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Language Development - 4237 Words
Children’s language development and second language acquisition Sandra Morales Texas Woman’s University Children’s language development and second language acquisition The paper investigates how children develop their cognitive and language skills in a context that is influenced by social and biological factors. The literature review discusses the Cognitive and Social Constructivism theories and their influence on the education field. In addition the author presents how children develop their language at different stages and how those stages influence the growth and development of a second language. Language acquisition is one of the most important topics in cognitive development. In the study of language development†¦show more content†¦Literature Review Piaget Cognitive Constructivism Piaget’s main focus of constructivism has to do with the person and how they construct their knowledge. Piaget believed individuals must adapt to their environment, and develops as parts of the adaptation process to the environment. According to Piaget, the individual needs to understand the information that they are receiving in order to be able to use it; they must construct their own knowledge (Powell, 2009). For Piaget, language development is internal mental processes controlled by developmental processes and is done individually, without the interventions of others (Agbenyega, 2009). As a result of mastering one stage, children will be ready to move, learn, and develop according to the expectations of the next stage. In regards to language development Piaget sees language as part of the cognitive development. How children think determines when and what the child can speak. In addition Piaget, states that children’s talking abilit ies emerge naturally without any formal teaching by adults, however more sophisticated vocabulary require formal education and experiences with the language. During early stages of the development according to Piaget, words are related to schemas of actions related to the child and those schemas will later be incorporated into exiting schemas that will support future learning experiences. Through the process of assimilation and accommodation, childrenShow MoreRelatedEssay on Language Development in Childhood Development2138 Words  | 9 Pagestremendous amount an individual. How a child developments is fundamentally important at a young age as it affects all aspect of their lives once the child matures. Throughout the class, we looked at many theorists during the course of the semester as well as looked at many articles pertaining to the concepts of the development of children. 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According to Craig and Dunn (2010) by age three, most children can use 900 to 1,000 words; by age 6, most children have a productive vocabulary of 2,600 words and can understand more than 20,000 (pg. 161). Some children I work with who are in the toddler room are able to talk, but leave out the pronouns a sentence. For example a child would say, â€Å"Us go on walk?†Language andRead MoreChildhood Language And Language Development Essay1693 Words  | 7 Pageseducation, language is a vital part of the development of education. People s daily dialogue, learning, etc. are all required language skills. It requires the use of language between people convey their ideas. So in early childhood education, the development of language is very importan t. 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Friday, May 8, 2020
Essay On Manifest Destiny - 1709 Words
American culture has changed over time as the country has grown. It is important to know our history so we can avoid the same mistakes that our ancestors made before us. With knowledge of our history and our prior mistakes, we can learn from them and make better decisions in the future. Louisiana purchase was one of many seminal events in the history of the United States. However, it began the debt we are still in today; the Louisiana Purchase gave us the land that began the Manifest Destiny. â€Å"The term Manifest Destiny originated in the 1840’s when John L. O’Sullivan said in an article that it was the American colonist’s Manifest Destiny to spread over the continent and that God had given them the land for the sole purpose of multiplying†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"The United States spent $598.5 billion dollars alone on the military in 2015. That is 54% of all spending in 2015. The US only spent $70 billion (6%) on education and $13.1 billion (1%) on food and agriculture.†(â€Å"Military Spending†). This shows what Americans really value. Likewise militarism is along the same lines of racism. In America, men are known to be the â€Å"stronger†sex. Most of the time men are known to run things such as the house, military, and to have the higher paying job. â€Å"In 2016, women working full time in the United States typically were paid just 80 percent of what men were paid. In 2016 the pay gap was smaller in New York, where women working full time, year-round were paid 89 percent of what men were paid. The largest gap was in Louisiana, where women were paid 70 percent of what men were paid.†(Miller). Pay gaps doesn t only differ between men and women, but with race.†Asian women’s salaries show the smallest gender pay gap, at 87 percent of white men’s earnings. The gap was largest for Hispanic women, who were paid only 54 percent of what white men were paid in 2016†(Miller). Unfortunately this isn t the only type of racism in the US. On October 10, 2017, â€Å"School Officials say a Christian youth group called Young Life was hosting a country themed event for kids when a few students went outside and posed and took pictures with the Confederate flag.†(Brown). In most cases, you see things such as this in most southern states.Show MoreRelatedEssay On Manifest Destiny1432 Words  | 6 Pages Manifest Destiny has many topics to choose from, the Annexation and war with Mexico being one of them. Annexation is the action of invading, most times it was about invading land. There were more Americans living in Texas then there were Mexicans. Eventually Texas became an independent republic in 1836, this simply added to the events leading up to the war with Mexico. The purpose of this essay is to understand the Annexation of Texas, how the war with Mexico began, what happened in the MexicanRead MoreThe Manifest Destiny Essay1076 Words  | 5 Pagesfull swing by the 1840s. Which evidenced that the continued expansion of the states was an issue and th e idea of a Manifest Destiny was of major importance. John L. O’Sullivan once stated, â€Å"Our Manifest Destiny is to overspread the continent allotted by Providence for the free development of our yearly multiplying millions†(America: A Narrative History). The idea of a Manifest Destiny originated in the 1840s by the Anglo-Saxon Colonists to expand their ideal civilization and institutions across NorthRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay802 Words  | 4 Pages Manifest destiny was the belief that God wanted the United States to own all of North America (Hall 301). But John O’Sullivan really only envisioned that white men were the only ones privileged enough to receive liberty (Hal 301). The Manifest Destiny was caused by the American people it gave them a sense of superiority over the other peoples who lived in North America. The declaration of the Manifest destiny wanted to expand the U.S. territory over the whole of North America and to extend andRead MoreT he Manifest Destiny Essay884 Words  | 4 Pages The Manifest Destiny is the idea of continental expansion by the United States, from the Atlantic to the Pacific Oceans, which naturally occurred out of a deep want and need to explore and conquer new lands and establish new borders. This idea contributed to several wars, including the US-Mexican War. Mexico and the United States had its share of territorial issues. With only four more days of his presidency, on March 1, 1845, President John Tyler signed the Texas annexation bill. When the UnitedRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay989 Words  | 4 Pages Manifest Destiny(1830s-1840s) The ideal of Manifest Destiny has shaped the American society during the 1830s to 1840s by establishing the innovation of manufacture, the expansion of territorial, transportation, and communication. Though it is one of the greatest period of the westward territorial expansions, it caused a massive conflict of social interaction, political, religious and automatically divided the gender roles in the community. During the nineteenth century, American had expandedRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesManifest Destiny Westward expansion was a key component that shaped the United States not only geographically, but economically as well. The first sign of any expansion West from the original states was when Thomas Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from France in 1803. The country was in need of new land in order to accommodate for the expanding population. Once the country started to expand, its power soon followed. The nation had a struggle with expanding because of the Native AmericansRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay1119 Words  | 5 Pagesstagnation. The landmass of the Thirteen Colonies was enough to rival that of the Mother country from which they separated. The forefathers believed that it was the manifest destiny of this nation to eventually claim the expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean. By 1890, nearly a hundred years following the original claim of Manifest Destiny, the land that was once open, was now under American control. But no sooner was the Great American Fronti er closed, than was the door to East Asian expansionRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay1269 Words  | 6 Pagesexpand west to the Pacific Ocean, Manifest Destiny would become one of the most influential ideologies in American history (Greenberg 3). This belief of the settlers aided in the westward expansion of the nation’s boundaries through the removal of the Native Americans who had inhabited the western lands for generations and in some cases centuries; and with a war with Mexico in which we gained territory in Texas, the southwest and California. The idea of Manifest Destiny was first introduced into theRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay935 Words  | 4 PagesManifest Destiny is A term used in the 19th century to describe the early American settlers’ belief that expansion was unavoidable, and destined to happen. The idea led to settlers migrating westward with the notions that whatever acts they committed were justified. The belief that the circumstances warranted t heir behaviors. This mindset led to the Indian Removal Act, the Mexican-American War, the California Goldrush, and eventually the development of railroads across the continent which helpedRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay788 Words  | 4 PagesManifest Destiny can be described as a belief, in the 19th century, that North-America was destined to stretch from coast to coast and that the expansion of the U.S. throughout the American continents was both justified and inevitable. It is responsible for changing the face of America and creating a new nation (Lubragge, 1809-1900). North-America’s westward expansion was due the American belief â€Å"that the strength of American values and institutions justified moral claims†¦Ã¢â‚¬ , land west of the Mississippi
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The emperor jones the cabinet of Dr. Caligari Free Essays
The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari (1919) is a classic illustration of expressionist technique in film. The film production is about the disturbed Dr. We will write a custom essay sample on The emperor jones the cabinet of Dr. Caligari or any similar topic only for you Order Now Caligari. The stark distorted set, as a projection of his insane views, askew angles of vision and hypnotic acting enhances the portrayal of madness in this film. The Emperor Jones, a play by Eugene O’Neill, tells the saga of an African American man who sets himself up as emperor in a Caribbean Island. The film has been cited as an influence on several artistic expressions, including films, music and, among others, theatrical plays. O’Neill express in a letter â€Å"†¦planning for a new latitude in screen expression. I saw Caligari and it sure opened my eyes to wonderful possibilities I had never dreamed of before†. The main difference in the expression techniques used is, by their own nature, the presence of dialogues. Caligari was a silent film while the play is based on strong and powerful dialogue and interplay between characters, which often seem to be an extension of Jones’s inner demons. In this play there are three major aspects that O’Neill seems to have picked from the film. The internal tribulations of The Emperor are offered on stage where Jones’s expressionism is restricted to the scenes with Jones alone in them. The second aspect was the significance of setting design as a way to generate meaning in the theatre. Visuals in a play could be as important as dialogue. And the third way in which Caligari seems to influence O’Neill is through the lighting effects in the film. How to cite The emperor jones the cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Essay examples
Monday, April 27, 2020
Paper for the Film A Day without a Mexican
The film A Day without a Mexican directed by Sergio Arau and released in 2004 represents a satiric view of the state California without the Mexican population in it, touching upon rather serious philosophical and anthropological issues of relationships of various ethnical groups in a multi-national society.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Paper for the Film A Day without a Mexican specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More The development of the plot lines of the movie which shows the chaos in the community after one ethnical group as one of its integral elements has disappeared can be explained with the theoretical principles of structural functionalism. The structural functionalism is a broad anthropological view on the society as a set of interrelated components. The elements of the society include customs, traditions, norms and beliefs as well as institutions and social groups. Herbert Spencer as one of the proponents of this approach compared the whole society to a human body and its elements to the organs of this body which are interconnected and disease and especially amputation of one of them will have a significant impact on the state of the whole organism. The main goal of the author of the scenario was to show the changes in citizens’ attitude towards Mexicans after they disappeared. The disappearance of the 13 million of Mexicans, including both immigrants and US citizens, divided the plot into two parts: before and after disappearance. The first episodes of the film show the disrespectful attitude of Americans to Latinos. The senator does not want a Mexican woman to work as a nanny at his house, being afraid of his reputation. When a Mexican man saves life of an American boy, killing a serpent, the boy’s father does not want even to express his gratitude even realizing that his child’s life was at stake, the man refuses to say thanks in Mexican. Though the authorâ₠¬â„¢s idea of disappearance of the whole ethnic group sounds unrealistic, this approach was effective for contrasting the people’s relations before and after Mexicans disappeared and returned to California for developing the ideas of structural functionalism theories. Showing the changes and chaos in the society after the mysterious disappearance of people, the author points at the significant role which Mexicans play in the community.Advertising Looking for essay on social sciences? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is important that despite the widely spread misconceptions, not all the disappeared Mexicans were serving men or worked on physical labor jobs. Among the Mexican characters there was a singer, TV reporters and even a candidate for a position of a governor. It seems that before their disappearance people did not notice that Latinos played such an important role in the life of the society. It is interesting that the disappearance is shown as a gradual process, the scenes in which Mexicans disappear one by one, leaving the working machines were terrifying. Along with the development of the cross-cultural plot line, the author sheds light upon various socio-cultural processes in the society, showing the reaction of different people to the mysterious disappearance of Mexicans. The people demonstrate their inner self, reacting to the event. Some of them try to take advantage of the situation. The senator incorporates the Mexican issue into his pre-election program. The author’s irony is expressed in the assertion of one of the characters that the anti-immigrant campaign helped him to become a senator and the incidence with the disappeared Mexicans could help him to become a governor. Comics used the event in their jokes, and one of them admitted that he wants his wife’s mother were a Mexican and disappeared. The advertisers used the issue for their purposes, using the theme o f disappearance of Mexicans for their discounting program, admitting that their goods disappear like animals because of their low prices. The disappearance of the ethnic group was a noticeable event which had impact on all the spheres of life of California citizens, including those of politics, television and advertising industry, not to mention the personal lives of those who lost their close friends and members of their families. Though there were a wide range of explanations for the mysterious disappearance, the author does not support either of them, focusing on the outcome of the event instead of its reasons. The versions of the reasons of disappearance ranging from religious motives to genetics engineering demonstrate the current level of the development of the society and various movements in it. Thus, while some of the visitors under the window of Lila, the only Mexican girl who remained in whole California, sang songs, naming her saint, others threatened and damned her. Mak ing the come back of the Mexicans as mysterious and unexpected as their disappearance, the author emphasizes the importance of the structural changes in the society caused by the lack of an only element instead of developing some of the versions. The principles of structural functionalism are helpful for explaining the main plot lines in the film A Day without a Mexican directed by Sergio Arau. The disappearance of one ethnic group resulted in immense changes and echoed in all spheres of life of the community.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Paper for the Film A Day without a Mexican specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Bibliography A Day without a Mexican. Dir. Sergio Arau. Perf. Sergio Arau, Yarelli Arizmendi, Sergio Guerrero. Altavista Films, 2004. Film. A screen shot of the opening scene of the movie This essay on Paper for the Film A Day without a Mexican was written and submitted by user Jefferson Bradford to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
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